Ocean in Distress: Tackling Marine Environmental Pollution
The world’s oceans, covering more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, play a critical role in sustaining life. They regulate climate, provide food, and serve [..]
David Hastings Professor is a marine geochemist and chemical oceanographer. He landed on the shores of Tampa Bay in 2000 to teach marine science, environmental science, and chemistry at Eckerd College. David Hastings Professor started this adventure studying chemistry at Princeton University and received his Ph.D. in chemical oceanography from the University of Washington.
David Hastings Professor retired from teaching at Eckerd College, a small liberal arts college in St Petersburg, FL. He likes to sing, hike, swim, canoe and kayak, and is passionate about homemade lemon sorbet.
The world’s oceans, covering more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, play a critical role in sustaining life. They regulate climate, provide food, and serve [..]
Marine science is an exciting but demanding field. Researchers spend long hours collecting data in unpredictable ocean conditions. Expeditions require resilience, as fieldwork involves navigating [..]
Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power have emerged as the frontrunners in reshaping the global energy landscape. These green giants challenge traditional fossil [..]
Marine geochemistry is a fascinating field that blends ocean science with chemistry to explore the chemical processes within the oceans. Professionals in this field analyze [..]